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Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective ; : 309-319, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2278696


The left-wing Spanish government that decreed a lockdown in March 2020 to reduce the spread of coronavirus had been in office for three months, after two consecutive elections in 2019 where the far-right had first entered the Parliament and then doubled its seats. As the first left-wing coalition government in contemporary democratic Spain, it had already been confronted by hard opposition from the main right-wing parties, who declared it illegitimate. This political climate has essentially affected public discussion about the government's measures and conspiracy theories about the pandemic, which tend to reflect the polarization in parliament. This chapter provides a concise summary of the political context and the pre-existing theories that have shaped conspiracy theorizing about Covid-19 in Spain. Following the main measures implemented in the fight against the virus, it examines how those were contested through conspiracy theories about lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccines, fact-checkers, and the virus itself. Finally, the chapter discusses the effects that, according to current research, conspiracy theories may have produced in the vaccination program (vaccine hesitancy being significantly higher in far right voters) and compliance with health measures. © 2023 selection and editorial matter, Michael Butter and Peter Knight;individual chapters, the contributors.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S627, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179199


Objetivo: A hemoterapia engloba diversos profissionais da area da saude envolvidos desde a captacao de doadores de sangue ate os processos laboratoriais e disponibilizacao das unidades para transfusao de hemocomponentes. Nesse contexto, surge a necessidade de um evento multidisciplinar que visa promover a integracao entre os profissionais da area e qualificar academicos que atuarao na area. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relatar a experiencia de organizar a "V Jornada da Liga do Sangue" em formato online, permitindo a continuidade do evento no periodo da pandemia. Materiais e Metodos: A "V Jornada da Liga do Sangue" foi realizada de modo virtual, sendo exibida em formato de Live, atraves do canal do YouTube da Liga Academica do Sangue da Universidade Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre (LiSan-UFCSPA). O evento ocorreu em 2 dias, com carga horaria total de 7 horas. As inscricoes foram gratuitas e com certificacao. O primeiro dia de evento contou com palestras que abordaram o ciclo do sangue e controle de qualidade dos hemocomponentes, imunofenotipagem e genotipagem no Banco de Sangue. No segundo dia foi abordada a caracterizacao de leucemias, diagnostico e manejo clinico. Resultados: O evento foi planejado visando a participacao em tempo real e acesso universal durante as palestras, com o nivel de complexidade dos assuntos ocorrendo de forma escalonada. No primeiro e segundo dia de evento, o numero de participantes foi de 501 e 322, respectivamente. No final do evento, foi elaborado um formulario para computar a presenca dos participantes, para disponibilizacao dos certificados, e tambem duas perguntas para medir a organizacao e relevancia do evento para o aprendizado, sendo elas: "Como voce avaliaria o conteudo das palestras ministradas na data de hoje?" e "Como voce avaliaria a organizacao do evento?". Na avaliacao haviam as opcoes "otimo", "bom", "regular", "ruim"ou "pessimo". Tambem foi disponibilizado um espaco para comentarios. Dos 229 formularios respondidos, para a pergunta "Como voce avaliaria a organizacao do evento?";93,01% das respostas dos dias 1 e 2 do evento foram avaliadas como "otimas", seguidas de 6,55% avaliadas como "bom" e 0,44% como "regular". Para a pergunta "Como voce avaliaria o conteudo das palestras ministradas na data de hoje?", tambem para os dois dias avaliados;95,20% classificaram como "otimo" e 4,80% como "bom". Nao houveram marcacoes nas categorias "ruim" ou "pessimo". Discussao: Em decorrencia da pandemia da COVID-19, utilizou-se a internet para realizacao do evento, permitindo a adaptacao do formato presencial, utilizado nas edicoes anteriores, para o formato online. Foi possivel proporcionar um ambiente de divulgacao cientifica e conexao entre diferentes assuntos que englobam o sangue, alem de engajar profissionais e estudantes na construcao de um aprendizado na area. Conclusao: O evento atingiu mais de 800 pessoas e proporcionou troca de saberes e aprendizagem para o publico. Os palestrantes buscaram usar uma linguagem acessivel para falar sobre os assuntos. Dessa forma, o evento ajudou a salientar a importancia do dialogo entre os diferentes profissionais da saude e a comunidade, principalmente sobre a captacao de doadores e sendo uma fonte segura de informacoes. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S626, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179198


Objetivo: As ligas academicas tem o objetivo de reunir estudantes com interesses em areas em comum e promover discussoes e diversas atividades voltadas ao tripe da extensao universitaria: ensino, pesquisa e extensao. Para acessar a comunidade, a Liga do Sangue (LiSan) da UFCSPA produz conteudos de divulgacao cientifica sobre os nichos de hematologia, hemoterapia e incentivo a doacao de sangue na rede social Instagram e, atraves de suas metricas, e possivel documentar seu alcance diante dos seguidores do perfil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo produzir e divulgar conteudo cientifico acessivel ao publico tanto da comunidade interna quanto externa a Universidade. Materiais e Metodos: Ao longo do periodo de 12 meses, foram produzidos conteudos informativos pelas comissoes: cientifica, responsavel pelas pesquisas bibliograficas, e de marketing, responsavel pela identidade visual da LiSan. As artes sao elaboradas atraves da ferramenta Canva, com linguagem acessivel, na forma de posts e stories da plataforma Instagram no perfil (@ligadosangue). Alem disso, a fim de promover mais acessibilidade e inclusao, a comissao responsavel pelas redes sociais da LiSan disponibiliza em cada postagem legendas e descricoes com a hashtag #PraCegoVer. Os conteudos abordados sao desde o formato de curiosidades breves relacionadas a doacao de sangue e outros aspectos referentes ao tecido hematopoietico, como o quadro "Voce Sabia?", ate publicacoes abordando conceitos de doencas hematologicas e sua ligacao com a transfusao de sangue. Tambem sao elaborados stories com conceitos comuns na hematologia, como os tipos de hemocomponentes, para facilitar o entendimento do publico leigo que tem acesso a esses conceitos nas publicacoes. Ademais, a ferramenta reels, videos da plataforma, foi usada para confeccao de um tutorial mostrando as etapas da doacao em um banco de sangue. Resultados: Neste periodo de 1 ano foram produzidos e publicados 24 posts, 5 stories e 1 reels, os quais tiveram um alcance de, em media 621 contas, sendo o post com melhor alcance foi o "Voce Sabia? Homens que fazem Sexo com Homens (HSH) podem doar sangue", com 1353 contas atingidas. Discussao: Nos ultimos 2 anos, com a pandemia causada pelo COVID-19, foi evidenciada a importancia das redes sociais na divulgacao cientifica com informacoes confiaveis e de qualidade. Como Liga Academica de uma Universidade Federal, a LiSan tem como um dos seus pilares a extensao e portanto, faz da divulgacao cientifica uma de suas prioridades e utiliza as redes sociais como ferramenta para impulsionar os conhecimentos para fora dos limites fisicos da Universidade. Conclusao: As redes sociais sao, atualmente, uma forma alternativa de promover o dialogo entre a universidade e a populacao, de forma que se torna uma ferramenta essencial e pratica para a divulgacao cientifica. A conta do Instagram da LiSan tem, ate o momento, 1849 seguidores e atinge mais de 600 pessoas por publicacao, evidenciando o seu papel social de propagacao de conhecimentos e informacoes em ciencia de qualidade e confiavel com acesso facilitado. Copyright © 2022

Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University ; 17(5):S80-S82, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2040168


There has been an increasing propensity of opportunistic fungal infections such as mucormycosis occurring in COVID-19 patients. It is imperative that we are aware of clinical presentation, rate of spread of mucormycosis and prescribes medications such as corticosteroids judiciously, especially in severely ill patients, and uncontrolled diabetics with ketoacidosis. © 2022 Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications. All rights reserved.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International ; 33(46B):435-438, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1513170


Background: After the COVID 19 epidemic, acknowledgement of adequate effects, side effects, factors and risk factors faced by health care workers and effective practices of using N-95 respirators among health care workers are necessary. As a result, we set out to assess health-care personnel in central India's knowledge and practice (K and P) of N-95 respirators. Objective: To find out how well health care personnel in central India know about N-95 respirators and how they use them to avoid COVID 19. Methodology: Workers in the health-care industry in Central India will be picked at random. The study will include all health-care employees who are working during the COVID 19 epidemic. Expected Results: In light of the COVID 19 epidemic, it's critical to think about the COVID safety and health implications of the use of N95 masks by health-care professionals. COVID 19 infection can be prevented with this understanding and practice of utilising N 95 respirators. Conclusion: Although N95 respirators proved to have a protective benefit over surgical masks during the COVID pandemic, there are some impacts and side effects of using N95 respirators, therefore sufficient understanding and practice with N95 respirators are required among health care professionals.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International ; 33(46B):128-135, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1513167


An unusual rise in blood glucose linked with the use of glucocorticoids in a patient with or without a prior history of diabetes mellitus is referred to as steroid-induced diabetes mellitus. The term steroid refers to a group of chemicals that have varied physiological effects. Hydrocortisone are a class of hormones that comprises both lab-made and naturally occurring hormones. Steroids are naturally occurring hormones in the human body. Corticosteroids have a wide spectrum of effects, from solely glucocorticoid to solely mineralocorticoid, and steroid compounds are chosen based on their suitability for a particular therapy. A drug may have anti-inflammatory resources, it could also have mineralocorticoid action, which lowers blood pressure. Steroids are drugs that have been used extensively in a variety of conditions. Glucocorticoids, despite being frequently recommended for their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive characteristics, have a number of side effects, with hyperglycemia being one of the most common and representative. In diabetic individuals, corticosteroids are generally contraindicated due to the danger of altering glucose control and resulting in severe decompensation. However, if given early and in a well-controlled regimen, corticosteroid medication can be useful in some patients. With good knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of the glucocorticoid utilized, glucose disequilibrium after withdrawal can be predicted.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International ; 33(45B):308-313, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1497881


In December 2019 an outbreak of COVID19 occurred which is a severe acute respiratory disorder. Many succumbed to this global pandemic and many are still fighting the after effect of it. The virus directly affects the immune system especially of lungs. Therefore, the people who already have compromised immunity are at the very risk. The first symptoms to appear in COVID19 patients are ageusia and anosmia while treating the COVID19 patient's certain practices are followed which aid in rapid oral health deterioration like oxygen mask, ventilators, heavy dose of medicines. Certain medicines used in treatment also precipitate poor oral health like bleeding gums, oral ulceration and dry mouth are the most common oral health problems faced after COVID19 recovery. COVID directly affects the immune system thereby making way for opportunistic infections like mucormycosis. Mucormycosis offers a severe burden on oral and general health affecting the standard of living and cause death in severe cases. Sinusitis, Periodontitis, black staining across the bridge of nose and sinus, localized discomfort and unbearable diplopia and refractive errors along with embolism and necrosis are seen in mucormycosis patients. Treatment of mucormycosis consists of surgery and replacement of lost structures Patients with compromised immunity need to take proper precautions during and after COVID.

Open Dentistry Journal ; 15(1):300-304, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1334852


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)is a virus responsible for the coronavirus infection that is currently causing a severe outbreak of the disease in the world, infecting and killing thousands to lacs of people. The pediatric and geriatric population is no exception to this. Children and older adults have less immunity, which makes them more susceptible to infection than other populations. But still the number of cases of Children where less as compared to adults and those having underlying pulmonary pathology or immunocompromising conditions are more vulnerable to infection. Some studies have shown that this virus causes more death in the older age population as compared to adults or children. Patients having any systemic conditions like diabetes, raised blood pressure, heart diseases, lung diseases and chronic renal diseases were more vulnerable to this infection. In this article, we will outline the epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment modalities of the novel coronavirus-2019(COVID 19) infection in humans, with more focusing on infection in children as well as in older adults.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1593-1598, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1077042


The novel coronavirus has disrupted the normal life of each individual with masks becoming an integral part of life. Mostly every person is well informed about the precautions that need to be taken for the containment of the virus such as regular hand washing, wearing of masks in outdoors, social distancing, etc. Yet there has been little reference to the deleterious habit of smoking that can weigh heavily on one’s health. This article aims to look into the connec-tion and intricacies of smoking that may directly or indirectly affect the severity of the symptoms of COVID-19. Smoking is already a known etiologic factor for many cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), coronary artery disease, carcinoma of the lungs, etc. While COVID-19 is a virus that causes respiratory distress in severe cases, not much is known or emphasized in the medical field of its possible relationship with smoking. Our information is limited to whether the presence of smoking history in infected patients worsens the condition or there is no relationship between smoking and COVID-19. Moreover, with the introduction of lockdown as a measure to contain the virus, it substantially increases the incidence of anxiety, depression and other mental health diseases which can contribute tremendously to the relapses of smoking or convert a non-smoker to a smoker. Hence, it is imperative to look into the possible relationship of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and smok-ing.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1500-1506, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1044531


The whole world is under the grip of a pandemic of COVID-19, a disease caused by a newly discovered strain of coronavirus and the name given is SARS-CoV2. The term ’novel’ is used for this virus because researches suggest that its origin is from an animal which was transmitted to a human and now is capable of having transmission from human to human. Symptoms of COVID-19 can be mild to severe. Mortality is high in severe cases. Also, this virus is a serious threat to the elderly and people with other systemic illness. There is no specific protocol provided for its treatment and the treatment primarily focuses on symptomatic relief. Human immune systems have never come across this particular type of strain of virus before. As a result, human body has not developed immunity for it moreover no effective vaccine is developed for it at this point of time. But there is an active strenuous work going on to understand more and more about the interaction of host-pathogen, how does host immunity responses to this virus moreover how this pathogen is able to invade the immune system which can be utilised for the development of a vaccine. As the disease is highly infectious, there is an urgent need for the development of a vaccine. Hence this review aims to summarize the undergoing scientific work and research in progress for the development of vaccine and all the advancement that has come in focus for its development.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1447-1451, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1044180


Coronavirus is a rapidly emerging infectious disease of respiratory tract which has been declared a pandemic by World health Organization. The virus spread quickly between close contacts or thought coughing and sneezing of the infected person. A few months after the first case was reported in Wuhan, China, the disease quickly turned into a pandemic. World health experts are already actively searching for a cure or vaccine for this disease, but before that, many countries around the world are considering mass quarantine measures as a method to combat its spread. This necessitates application of strict measures to control this pandemic. As of now there is no treatment to cure this disease. Therefore prevention of spread of disease remains the mainstay of combating it. One of the emergency public health measures that have been used extensively to control this pandemic is quarantine. Even though on long term basis, quarantine may have its advantages and disadvantages which has to be considered when practicing the same. This review focuses on rational behind the quarantine, its indications, the set-up or infrastructure required and the ethical implication for quarantine. It also reviews the psychological impact of quarantine and its effectiveness as a public health measure.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1517-1523, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1043743


Coronavirus disease 2019 had caused a pandemic leading to over 6M posi-tive cases worldwide out of which 3.73 lac are demised (until when the article was written). Its first outbreak was seen in Wuhan, China. In the Indian sce-nario, we have a total of 2 lac cases out of which 5,679 have been deceased (until when the article was written). Due to the high transmissibility of this disease, the entire country is under lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus. The main etiology of this virus is the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2(SARS-CoV-2). This affects the respiratory system leading to cough, shortness of breath, and fever. There have been cases with mild or no symptoms reported, but the cause of death is due to the virus. This helps us understand the diagnosis, epidemiology, symptoms, and pathophysiology about the virus, which can help in treatment modalities. An autopsy is one of the methods by which we can understand the systematic involvement other than the respiratory system. Various pathological, microbiological changes can occur in the other organs. Even though the person is deceased, the virus is highly infectious can cause the spread through body fluids. Proper care must be taken while handling the body and performing the procedure. This review article aims to focus on the autopsy findings found in various cases to study the disease pathophysiology of the SARS-CoV-2. This article also helps us understand the guidelines that have been put forward by WHO and CDC must be followed regarding the specification required in the autopsy room;PPE’s to be worn, human waste and fluid disposal, body transportation. Proper per-sonal hygiene must be maintained while handling the COVID-19 patients;this can lead to less susceptibility of acquiring the disease.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1599-1604, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1042618


The most recent severe acute respiratory condition corona infection outburst has overwhelmed an ill-equipped nature among a festival season. It was first appeared on December 1, 2019, Wuhan (China) and recognized as a coron-avirus and has spread worldwide. The manifestations are fever, discomfort and cough which resolve in a couple of days yet may advance to an extreme in most of the cases, but if any comorbidity exists in the form of diabetes, hypertension or any other debilitating systemic disease, then it can lead to grave prognosis. It spread mainly from one person to another through air droplet. Although no vaccines have been discovered yet but still scientists are working relentlessly to find one. Thus, the society has must think about the complementary and alternative medicinal system. India has its traditional medicine “AYUSH”, which comprises of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. This review mainly aims to summarize the point’s alternative to allopathy. AYUSH helps in immune system boosting, act as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, stress release. It has been reported in the literature that it has no side effect and is safe to use. So this current situation provides an opportunity to employ ancient traditional medicine to take part and try to deal in the best way to withstand covid-19.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1452-1457, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1042250


The pandemic of coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) started from Wuhan, China, in December a year ago and has become a significant test to general wellbeing China as well as nations around the globe. Affecting the population of 4,735,622 in the world and leads to the death of 316,289 till 19th May 2020, according to reports of WHO. The COVID-19 spread rapidly by a human to human contact through small droplets from mouth and nose. Other possible routes of transmission for COVID-19, include airborne spread via aerosols produces during dental procedures. The dentists are at higher risk of getting infected by coronavirus disease with many routine dental procedures hav-ing the possibility to transmit the virus through aerosols. During the time of COVID-19 pandemic disease, the health care workers should be provided with protective apparatus including face shields, goggles, mask, gloves, gown or coverall, headcover and rubber boots. American Dental Association has maintained a consistency neutral stance since the pandemic was recognized. They appealed dental health care workers to put off elective dental procedures for dental patients and to provide only urgent dental care. Essential phone screening to distinguish suspected patients or likely COVID-19 contaminated can be correctly done during routine dental arrangements. This review high-lights on the structure of coronavirus, its modes of communication, how dental health care workers are at higher risk, urgent dental procedures that should only begin during the crisis and basis preventive measures taken by dental health care workers.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1469-1472, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1042045


The Coronavirus Disease 2019 started in Wuhan Province, China and which spread to half a dozen countries between 2019 and 2020 and was declared a pandemic. This resulted in the implementation of a lockdown in different parts of the world, explaining it was an effective and essential way to break the cycle of infection. Physical distancing is the most important measure to break this infection cycle which affected many people’s lives in different aspects. Mental health is considered to be one of the important components of the overall health as the definition given by the World Health Organization. It says that the person should be well-adjusted with the environment and should not be easily upset. He should know his needs, problems and goals properly;moreover, if he faces problems, he tries to solve them intelligently for which he tries to cope up with stress and anxiety. Along with all these things, he has good self-control balances between rationality and emotionality. It has likewise set off a wide variety of mental issues, for example, anxiety, panic disorder and depression. Most of the studies have reported negative impacts, including anger, stress symptoms and confusion. Education and training on pandemic should be provided by the authorities and health care workers.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1473-1476, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1041677


The COVID 19 outbreak has been declared a pandemic by the world health organisation. The healthcare sector was overburdened and overstretched with the number of patient increasing and requiring health services. The worst-hit population always are the people with special needs, whether it is children, pregnant females or the geriatric population. The need for the emergency kind of health services was so inflated that the other special population which required them equally as those patients with the COVID 19 suffered a lot. Dentistry was not an exception, and even that is also one of the important components of the health care delivery system and people requiring oral health care needs were also more. Those undergoing dental treatments would not have completed the treatment, and this would have resulted in various complications. In this situation, some dental emergency guidelines have been released by Centres for Disease Control (CDC) for the urgent dental care those requiring special care dentistry during the COVID 19 pandemic. Children with special care needs were considered more vulnerable to oral diseases;hence priority should have been given to them for dental treatments moreover in the future also more aggressive preventive measures should be taken in order to maintain oral hygiene and prevent many oral diseases. Guardians/caregivers should be made aware and motivated to maintain the oral health of children with special health care needs. This review mainly focuses on the prevention and management of oral diseases in children’s with special care needs.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1529-1533, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1041523


The SARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus which originated in the province Wuhan, China, in December 2019. It is the causative agent of COVID-19, an infection mainly presenting as mild upper respiratory tract infection, with patients presenting with fever, cough, breathlessness and fatigue. The virus predominantly spreads by a person to person contact, which is why it has spread very rapidly in a short span of time, so much so, that multiple countries are affected at present. The number of casualties is ever increasing. Even though our understanding of the novel coronavirus is improving, many countries, including India, are facing a situation which is not getting better with respect to controlling the pandemic. The number of new cases and deaths are ever increasing. There is a general state of panic among all the sections of the society and almost all are affected. With the number of tests being carried out every day, also increasing, a general idea about the signs and symptoms of the disease as well as the diagnostic criterion aids will further help us control the pandemic. This narrative review focuses on the clinical symptoms, diagnostic aids, risk factors, common clinical symptoms, laboratory findings and complications of COVID-19 and also on post COVID 19 Complications.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):1319-1322, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-995073


Myths are like wildfire, spreading across the globe in no time. How can this elude the scenario of a pandemic? The COVID-19 pandemics brought several misconceptions under its hood in 2020. No doubt, the major base of the myth was based on virtual and social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook, What-sapp were exploited to share the myths amongst the crowd for a long time. A massive chunk of the various data in context to the origin, spread and transmission of the virus was found unreliable from these sources. These were later found to be of a great impact on the mental health of the individuals. It was hence essential to create an official portal that gave the correct insight to the Pandemic and also guides individuals regarding their protection and prevention of the disease. This review has been made with an attempt to through light on some myths prevailing about the COVID-19 Pandemic and to bust them under the appropriate facts. Attempts have been made to separate facts from the fiction. In the latter half, various official organisations working in relief against the Pandemic have been discussed for the ease of identification.

International Journal of Current Research and Review ; 12(19):82-87, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | Scopus | ID: covidwho-859381


The rapid spread of novel corona virus declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation has created a sense of panic across the globe, nor sparing the Dentistry in the process. The mode of transmission of the virus is through infected secretions such as saliva and respiratory secretions or their respiratory droplets, which are expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks or sings, has created the need to control the contact spread of the infectious virus between humans. This de-manded a responsible emergence of medical as well as Dental care to handle the situation of the pandemic with utmost care. The need for proper guidelines from time to time has been a key to the emerging safe dental practices amongst dental profes-sionals. Focusing not only on the emergencies but also on the routine procedures is a major challenge at the present. The best delivery of dental treatment can only be given when proper protocols are being followed. A crucial aspect being the protection of the spread of the disease from an asymptomatic patient should be considered. This review has been articulated considering the dire need of the hour to protect the dental professionals, the auxiliaries as well as the patient from the infectious spread of the disease. It encourages them to know the various methods of the protective aspects of dentistry amidst this pandemic and its importance in clinical practice. Also, additional aspects of precautions while screening the patient, while performing various procedures and the disinfection of the operatory has been discussed. © IJCRR.

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ; 11(Special Issue 1):420-424, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | Scopus | ID: covidwho-830417


Covid-19 is an outbreak of a severe acute respiratory disorder which emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Since then the virus has spread to many countries and has become and pandemic. The mortality rate of the disease is very high but it varies from country to country depending on the medical facilities and the observance of isolation among the population. As the disease is very contagious many different treatment modalities have been tried. The therapeutic methods which are used are Ayurvedic and homeopathic along with that some Allopathic drugs are also used. Ayurvedic and home-opathy were found to be useful in asymptomatic patients rather than symp-tomatic patients. The drug which is used for treatment is antiviral drugs, pro-tease inhibitors, antimalarial drugs, and neuraminidase inhibitors. But most promising results were obtained by using hydroxychloroquine, thus many countries are using this drug for treatment. Research related to vaccine development is still in progress. but there is still an absence of data regarding the effectiveness of these methods. Clinical trials need to be performed to prove the drug or the measure effective. While the search for a vaccine is still under-way, preventive measures should be taken to curb the chain of infection. This includes the use of face mask, washing hands frequently, at least 1meter dis-tance while in public places. This Literature review summarizes all the measures that have been used for the treatment of COVID 19 pandemic all around the world. © International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.